So it's been a couple of months since my last post, just before I jetted off to Florida for an awesome holiday with a friend and her family. LikeYourLast was demanding a lot of my time, time that I have since come to realise I simply do not have. As well as this, I also feel the content of the blog was not innovative enough - and found myself essentially repeating the words of others in an attempt to provide inspiration for others. Excuses, excuses - right? I know, I know. Well rather than pack the blog in all together, I have decided to evolve this blog into my new (less high maintenance) blog for my next project. Which is...
I am currently working with a new idea I've had for a book, which I have decided to start as a free blog (thanks for the advice Nikul) for anyone who has an interest to have a peruse. This is where 'Seeking My Inspiration' comes into play. This is by no means my main goal or interest, as I will explain in a minute, it is however a project that I'm very excited about. I aim to meet as many people who inspire me as possible, documenting how I went about meeting them, and then post the transcript of the meeting on here - with the hope of later creating a book with some of the better meetings. Ambitious? Yeah. Maybe too ambitious. But the beauty of this project is that the process itself will be highly enjoyable, regardless of the end result! It is clear that posts on this blog will be sporadic, depending on how successful I am at finding these people. I will of course post at other times too, but probably no where near the regularity of LikeYourLast.
So where am I now, what has changed since we last spoke? Well I'm putting the finishing touches to my first semester of my third (and final - thank god) year at the University of Portsmouth, where I study Film. I still work part-time at The Sony Centre, which is pretty awesome in fairness due to working with a group of heroes, one of who is my best friend and also my business partner. Which brings me to my main focus currently, Snowglo, the website that Kane and I have been working on starting up for the past 4 months or so. We are currently seeking an affordable web designer, who is also amazing (there is no such thing). I do however have a meeting tomorrow with a Business Adviser who works with Uni. students looking to start up businesses - so hopefully he can help! Then on top of all that, you have this project - which in all likeliness could take years and never materialise into anything - but I'm cool with that. So that is where I am at the moment!
Lastly, just a quick note to say - don't listen to other people. When people see you trying to make something of yourself, they don't like it. This is of course a generalisation, but in reality there probably only is a handful of people who would be genuinely happy for you if you achieved the level of success you dream of. I recently had a close relative of mine literally ridicule all of my efforts to achieve the things in my life that I hope to. People who dream big, scare people who don't. Don't listen to them, keep your chin up, keep moving forward, and surround yourself with people who really give a shit. Because they are rare.
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