Monday, 5 September 2011

T.G.I. Mondays #3


When I say that, I mean it.  Can you do the same?  I genuinely get excited by the start of another week, because it signifies that I have completed another week of goals, and I'm about to start on another.  Imagine if you will a Monopoly board, when you decide on a huge goal you want to achieve - you start moving towards it.  Let's say that that goal is to reach Mayfair.  It certainly doesn't happen with one roll of the dice.  But each week that goes past is like another roll of the dice.  Sure some weeks I may only move a tiny bit closer, but other weeks I make giant leaps.  When was your last giant leap?  What happens when I reach Mayfair?  Apart from passing go and collecting £100, I make new goals and start again.  Humans are machines which need to set and chase goals.  So do it.

This week's video is a Nike commercial which I found kind of awesome.  Give it a watch and enjoy it.

To fill you in on what this week holds for me, I plan to sit down with Kane and analyse exactly what our competition are offering, and start plans to better it.  Could be a long process, but is a necessity to ensure success.  We're also going to have to secure the domain name this week so we don't miss out.  I'm personally also going to be trying to get some fitness goals back on track as well, going to Florida soon - so I should probably start working out again!  What does your week hold for you? Tell me!

This week's quote, as always brought to you by the fantastic Ultimate Quote is:

'You will find the key to success under the alarm clock'.............Benjamin Franklin.

I chose this quote because it's an area that I am working on; waking up with more purpose, more determination.

Have a great week guys, whether you're starting at Old Kent Road, or moments from success at Park Lane, it doesn't matter.  Roll the dice!

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