Monday, 29 August 2011

T.G.I. Mondays #2

Good morning everyone, it's that time again, time to get yourself fired up for another week.  Here's this weeks video to get you pumped, motivating words from the legend that is Michael Jordan.

If you have a long-term goal, what is it you're going to do this week that is going to bring you nearer to that goal?  By the end of this week are you going to be a percentage closer to achieving what you know you will? Whatever your goals are, start them today, don't wait until Tuesday or Wednesday.  Start today, make a big dent today.  As a side note, my business partner (Kane) pointed out something to me the other day that I'm guilty of myself.  He explained how productive people lose motivation because when they achieve goals, they're not taking a moment to celebrate that achievement.  It doesn't matter how small that goal is, perhaps you wanted to run 1 mile this morning, maybe you wanted to write 200 words of your book before you went to work, it doesn't matter.  Take that moment to celebrate what you've achieved, if the goal was written down - tick it!

'I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed'  - Michael Jordan

Keeping in with this weeks video, the quote is from the one and only Michael Jordan.  I hope you all have productive and awesome weeks.  Let me know what you plan to get up to!  I myself, will be working towards getting Kane and I's first site up on the web, and trust me you'll all be hearing about it!  More on that later...

Have a great week guys

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