Wednesday, 25 January 2012

My top 5 reasons for being an awful blogger.

So January has almost been and gone, which is pretty crazy.  I hate people who talk about how fast time is going, because it doesn't really make sense - but January really has happened quickly.  For the readers of this blog, it would appear I've done nothing with my first month of 2012 - but how wrong they are!  So here are my top 5 reasons for waiting until the 25th of this month to dribble my thoughts on to this keyboard for those of you who care enough to have a read.

1)  This blog is very much a side project for me, it isn't something that I'm spending every waking hour on - more of a passion project that I dabble with when I get a spare moment.  My view for meeting these people, and writing about those meetings is very long term.  So you guys are just going to have to be patient for me, by being a follower you'll get updated whenever I post my excuses up anyway!

2) This project takes a lot of prep work, which has involved me making a list of 100 people who inspire me, sounds easy - but took time.  I have now gone through that 100 people and tried to find some form of contact details for all of them, this was even harder! I now have to start writing a whole load of emails to these people, making sure each one is personal so that they don't sound generic and like a batch email.

3) I've always been a pretty busy person, always trying to keep a few plates spinning at the same time.  But 2012 has seen this increase to a point where I rarely get a chance to just relax, unless socialising with friends.  Currently, I'm about to start my last semester at University, which as many of you know is a challenge in itself, doing all the normal modules I'd do in any other semester and then adding a 10,000 word dissertation into the picture!  Add in the fact that I have the most committed dissertation superviser available, who picks unlimited holes in my work, which is frustrating but ultimately exceedingly useful.  So that's Uni.

4) I am also bang in the middle of starting a business with my business partner, Kane.  January has been spent in countless meetings with web designers, business advisers, bank account managers, and more.  We have now settled on web designers, which will only spark into a lot more activity needed on Kane and I's part, which sounds like a chore - but I'm actually hugely excited about.  The company is called Snowglo, and although it is kind of under wraps at the moment, you can check out our Facebook page here: and our twitter account here: Snowglo is taking up almost all of my time and money - so other projects are suffering, but unfortunately that is necessary - because Snowglo is hopefully going to be quite a successful business.

5) On top of those things I have a part-time job that I try and hold down at the Sony Centre in Portsmouth, where I 'work' usually two days a week.  I am also maintaining all the personal development stuff that I usually do, like trying to get fitter (going very slowly), reading a book every week/2 weeks, and generally just improving myself in whatever way possible.

So I feel a bit sick now, after making all those excuses.  But they are all genuine, and I just want my regular readers to know that the blog isn't forgotten about, it's just going to develop slower than perhaps anticipated.  I hope you have all had productive Januarys, as always if you want to share what you've been up to, just drop me a comment below - always eager to hear about other peoples endeavors!